Cast change

I just realized that I never announced a couple of changes in our casting.

Cooper Benavides has taken over the role of Tweedledee and Knave of Hearts.
Katie Chilton has taken the role of Fish Footman, as well as keeping the role of Rose.
Katlyn Salyers has taken the role of Card Soldier One, as well as keeping the role of Cheshire Cat.

A big thank you to these young actors for helping out in a pinch:)



Practices have been going extremely well for the first few weeks of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!

Some characters are starting to come together very well. Keep checking back here often for any news and hopefully some pictures to be posted soon.

Also, Triad Drama Department now has a facebook page. Check it out and join up!



Several cast members have expressed concerns with being able to see the calendar. I have tested accessing this calendar on several machines and have had no problems.

We will be passing out a calendar for the current month, but will need for you to figure out how to access the calendar. The setting has been changed so that a Google account is not needed to access the information, it should show up at the bottom of the website no matter if you are signed in to Google or not. If you continue having an issue with this, you may be missing a "plug-in" on your machine. Plug-ins allow computers to run specific languages to show information. After searching online for a specific plug-in required to view Google calendar, I did not find anything. Please continue to check back for any information changes.

Don't forget you can email me with any questions. E-mail instead of asking me at school...It will be easier:)



Make up days

As mentioned on the announcements at school, last Tuesdays practice is rescheduled for Monday January 11.

Last Thursday's practice is rescheduled for Wednesday, January 13.

Tuesday and Thursday are still as scheduled


Trouble with Calendar, Scripts and Snow Days

If you are seeing this where the calendar should be

Be sure to click on "Create an account"
You will be directed to google account and you will need to fill out the information that is required. You will not be asked to provide any payment information as this service is 100% completely free. Again, you will not have to pay anything to view the calendar, you just need a log-in. It's similar to the Kroger Plus card that you have to scan to gain access to all of the "sale" prices.

Any questions, e-mail Mr. Waibel at waibelp@triad.k12.oh.us

If you did not receive a script from the first read through, please continue to be patient. They are on order and will be distributed ASAP

In the event of a Snow Day during a day of scheduled practice, the practice will be canceled.
If needed, the canceled practice will be rescheduled. We are currently looking at options for the make-up of the first practice. Stay tuned.