First read through

First off, congratulations to our cast members for surviving another round of auditions.

Our first read through, which will involve the entire cast will be on Thursday, November 13th starting at 2:45 on the stage.

Please be aware that speaking roles will be given a show book, while Towns folk and extras will receive copies of their songs only, not to diminish the importance of a role, but it is simply more cost effective to not give everyone a book for 2 songs.

There will be opportunities for short solos in the ensemble songs, so if you are interested in a solo, please plan to show up for this rehearsal.

The read through should finish up at around 4pm, depending on how much talking goes on during the read through (the less talky talky, the quicker we'll get out)

Rehearsal schedule will be passed out on this day for the next three months

The dates of the show are February 27 and 28 starting at 7pm and March 1 starting at 2pm.

Bring a flash drive to receive copies of the music for your practicing purposes. I will not be burning CDs (unless absolutely necessary) this year, but simply transferring tunes over digitally.