Update on the play

As of this post, we are looking at having only 11 more practices until our week of dress rehearsals begins. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Memorize those lines folks! We are wanting to do our first practices without scripts starting in November.

2. While I can appreciate those of you involved in so many different activities, it is of high importance that we start to make play practice our number 1 priority. With one person not being there, it can completely throw off timing and blocking significantly. So while you may think you know everything you are doing, the people around you are counting on your deliverance of lines and standing where you should be standing.

3. Stage crew has been going extremely well. For those that haven't had an opportunity to show up and help, please look at the remaining schedule and try to attend at least one crew meeting. The set is large this year and we need all hands on deck to help support the building and designing of these set pieces  :)

4. Costumes. Some of you have been picking up costume pieces for approval. Remember, the majority of costuming is your responsibility. There are a few that will be rented, but if you are a munchkin, poppy or tree, you need to dress accordingly. Please remember, no clothing with any type of logo on it.

5. Keep up the awesome work! As we continuously produce quality plays, we are building our audience which will in turn build our program! Pass the word around to you family, friends and enemies about this play. It's gonna be a fun one!
