Cast List

Auditions were great this year and the audition committee had some very difficult conversations and decisions to make. Ultimately, we feel as though we came up with some decisions that will ultimately lead up to a fantastic production.

Please note: Our first scheduled "Casted" read-thru will be on Tuesday, November 13 after school until approximately 4PM. (I understand Winter sports pics are the same day, come when you are able).

THE CALENDAR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE IS A TENTATIVE REHEARSAL SCHEDULE.  It is heavy throughout the months to accommodate any potential weather issues we will encounter, Spring Break, and, it is easier to cancel rehearsals than add more on.

If a rehearsal is scheduled to end at a specific time (they all are), then I release students at that time and do not hold them over. This is out of respect to the parents that need to drive out here to pick up their children. Please be on time to pick up your child so that I may get home to mine, I would greatly appreciate this courtesy.

I will not have books for everybody at this read-thru, but can order more based on the number of people that are actually going to participate in the show thru the completion. Anyone that decides last minute to join the show will be placed in chorus. If any parts drop, then we will fill based on Mr. Waibel's decision.

Show dates are as follows:

April 12 @7pm
April 13 @2pm AND 7pm
April 14 @2pm

If you are unable to attend these shows, please let Mr. Waibel know ASAP

***NOTE*** We are splitting the lead role of Elle between Ashley Boggs and Ellie Osterholt. Ashley will be Elle for the first 2 performances and Ellie will be Elle for the final 2 performances. This is the only role we are splitting.

The cast is as follows

Elle 1 - Ashley Boggs

Elle A - Ellie Osterholt

Margot (Sorority girl) - Jaina Stanley

Serena (Sorority girl) - Rylie Banda

Pilar (Sorority girl) - Taylor Holtsberry

Gaelen (Sorority girl) - Ali Cox 

Kate (Sorority girl) - Kylie Hunter

Bruiser - Some Dog

Saleswoman - Addison Ross

Store Manager - Audra Millice

Warner Huntington III - Jacob Partlow

Grandmaster Chad - Danny Lake

Emmett Forest - Jackson Lightle

Aaron Schultz - OPEN MALE SPOT

Sundeep Agrawal Padamadan - Nina Hestermann

Enid Hoopes - Morgan Swiatek

Vivienne Kensington - Kelsey Cole

Professor Callahan - Easton Huffman

Paulette - Abby Walls

Whitney - Aliyah Ater

Dewey - Travis Culp

Brooke Wyndham - Afton Osterholt

Sabrina - Savannah Chaffin

Prison Guard - Jacob Quintero

Kyle - Jeremy Quintero

Kiki the Colorist - Rylie Banda

Cashier - Jaina Stanley

Stylist - Liz Greene

Bookish Client - Audra Millice

Judge - Danny Lake

Bailiff - Jacob Quintero

Chutney Wyndham - Carsyn Thomas

Waiters - Danny Lake, Travis Culp, Jeremy Quintero, JAcob Quintero, any other males
Delta Nus - Nina Hestermann, Aliyah Ater, Savannah Chaffin, Addison Ross, Alexis Gibbons
Frat Boys - Same as waiter pending logistics
Harvard Law Students - anyone able to be on stage at the time
Video Performers - anyone able to be on stage at the time
Inmates - anyone able to be on stage at the time
Salon Patrons - anyone able to be on stage at the time
Salon Workers - anyone able to be on stage at the time

Sound Board Operator - Lydiah Wenger
Light Board Operator - Emily Partlow (?)



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