Audition Information

Auditions are scheduled for September 5 and 7 starting after school. Please sign up for the earliest time possible so we can be efficient with our time as judges.

As in the past, we will have Mrs. Smart-Meigs and Ms. Haerr assisting with auditions and helping to make casting decisions. Ellie Osterholt, our student director for this show, will also be in on the audition process. Please understand, there is a finite amount of parts and not everyone will be getting what they audition for.

Sign up sheets will be posted on the HS office window. Again, please sign up for the earliest times possible

Audition materials can be found here (CLICK THIS LINK TO BE TAKEN TO MTI'S ELF JR. PAGE). 

You will need to click the link on this page called "AUDITION CENTRAL" There you will find information about the characters for the show (Breakdown), spoken audition material (Script) and any musical numbers needed for audition (Score)

Please be prepared for your audition. If you need music for your score part, please see Mr. Waibel ASAP